Camp Killoqua | Light the Fire Within

Camp Grands

Come back to camp and become a Camp Grand this summer!

Camp Grands are Camp Killoqua Staff and CIT Alumni, ages 25 and up, who want to come back to camp as both a volunteer and a camp participant in a “grandparent” role. Camp Grands will spend parts of their day focusing on a specific track to help support camp and when not on a specific project or task are welcome to join in camp activities!

Camp Grand Tracks:

  • Camp Support: help cabin groups when an extra adult can be useful. Such as going row boating, on cookouts, be a buddy for a camper that needs a little support, etc. Schedule will be more fluid in this role.
  • Kitchen: Help support our kitchen staff with things like dishes, meal prep and service, cook-out packing, etc. throughout the day.
  • Maintenance: Help support our Site Manager and maintenance staff by lending a hand completing projects around camp, no experience needed, there are projects for all skill levels.

Camp Grands will live in semi-private cabins, as space allows. We will have up to 5 Grands per session and Grands can request to stay for more than one session. Camp Grands are expected to follow all the same policies of our staff and must be able to pass a criminal background check upon acceptance into the program.

Session 3: July 6-11
Session 4: July 13-18
Session 5: July 20-25
Session 6: July 27- Aug 1
Session 7: Aug 3-8

Session 8: Aug 10-15

Applications for Camp Grands are due by May 31st.


Apply to be a Camp Grand

"*" indicates required fields

Support Role Desired:*
2025 Sessions Available/Desired
Grade Levels/Ages interested in working with:

Please provide information regarding any certificates (or training) that you currently hold. Be sure to indicate the expiration date and send us a photocopy of the front and back of the certificate. If you plan on completing training prior to camp, please indicate the expected completion date.

WA State Food Handler's Card*
CPR/AED, First Aid*
do you have any Carpentry, plumbing, electrical, handyperson skills? we'd love to know about them!
Have you had any criminal convictions for child abuse or sex related crimes?*
By submitting this application I certify that the information given in this application for employment is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize Camp Fire Snohomish County to make inquiry of my former employers or references as to my experience, job suitability, and/or reasons for leaving. I understand that if employed, the making of false statements on this application will be sufficient cause for my dismissal. Employment is contingent upon a satisfactory criminal history check. Camp Killoqua offers a non-smoking, non-drinking, and drug-free environment for both staff and campers. Employees are expected to support and abide by this philosophy. Do you agree?*

Our Promise

Young people want to shape the world.

Camp Fire provides the opportunity to find their spark, lift their voice, and discover who they are.

In Camp Fire, it begins now.

Light the fire within